Tag Archives: viral videos

Things My Mother Never Told Me But I Discovered Them On My Own Post 4: Parenting Comes in Different Shapes and Sizes

28 Jun

So as my summer of boredom continues I am trying to find ways to make time go faster.  Today because I was completely bored out of my mind I watched popular viral videos on YouTube.  Yes I know, I did not use my day effectively today, but at this point in my life I couldn’t find anything better to do than laugh and laugh I did.  There was one video I watched today called “Facebook Parenting” that I just could not go to sleep without blogging about.  This video made me laugh, cry, and want to hand this father a purple heart for saving our country from yet another disrespectful child.  Take a look at what I am referring to:

I’ve watched this video more than five times and I STILL giggle like a school girl inside.  This man is a hero and the way he decided to discipline his child is just ingenious; I doubt his daughter will ever try to pull that same type of crap again.  Every parent in America should be standing on their feet cheering for this man, but of course they are not.  I thought this video was fantastic, but this dad has received some harsh criticism over his apparently “extreme parenting”.

My take on the video:

I didn’t think his actions were extreme at all.  I’m not sure about anyone else, but when I was younger I knew of friends who if they even blinked their eyes in a disrespectful way to their parents they would get slapped with pans, extension cords, shoes, and whatever else their parents could find that wouldn’t kill them.  First of all, the man in this video very rationally addresses his issue with his daughter listing everything that is wrong with her inappropriate Facebook post.  The video also explains that he dealt with this type of behavior from her in the past and that she was quite aware of what would happen if she was to do something like that again.  Now was pulling the gun out and gunning the laptop down a bit dramatic? Yes, but it got his very clear point across that “you will not disrespect me in front of others and think you are going to get away with it”.  I mean, come on people.  How would you feel if you basically spent your entire life pampering your child and then they turned around and decided to bash your parenting skills on the computer you bought them?  I feel many would of pulled the same Office Space move as well.  This man did what he felt was fit for his child and I commend him for taking control of the situation. No pun intended, but everyone wants to shoot the messenger but guess what? His message got delivered; all seven bullets.